Our Token
SMARTCREDIT token is the native token of the platform.
The plan for 4.11.2024–4.11.2025
Planned Statistics:
Circulating tokens at 4.11.2024–2,409,072
Circulating tokens on 4.11.2025–2,810,584
Planned Usage:
Bonus Rewards for the Borrowers and Lenders on Ethereum — 4’401 tokens per week, 228,862 tokens per year, 9.5% inflation
Staking rewards for the Holders — 2’316 tokens per week, 120,454 tokens per year, 5.00% inflation
Marketing tokens — 12,045 tokens annually, 0.50% inflation
Team tokens — 40,151 tokens, 10% of the annualized inflation, to be allocated at 4.11.2025
Inflation per year — 16.67%
Token usage 4.11.2023–4.11.2024
Circulating tokens on 4.11.2023–2,063,936
Circulating tokens on 4.11.2024–2,409,072
Bonus Rewards for the Borrowers and Lenders on Ethereum — 3’771 tokens per week, 196,074 tokens per year, 9.50% inflation
Staking rewards for the Holders — 2’004 tokens per week, 104,229 tokens per year, 5.05% inflation
Marketing tokens — 10,320 tokens annually, 0.50% inflation
Team tokens — 34,514 tokens, 10% of the annualized inflation, to be allocated at 4.11.2024
Inflation per year — 16.72%
Token usage 4.11.2022–4.11.2023
Circulating tokens at 4.11.2022–1'931'965
Tokens circulation on 4.11.2023–2,065,070
Bonus Rewards for the Borrowers and Lenders on Ethereum — 3'158 tokens per week, 164'217 tokens per year, 8.5% inflation
Bonus Rewards for the Borrowers and Lenders on Binance Smart Chain— not yet launched; reward tokens were not used
Bonus Rewards for the Borrowers and Lenders on Polygon — not yet launched; reward tokens were not used
Staking rewards for the Holders — 2'415 tokens per week, 125'578 tokens per year, 6.5% inflation
Integrator Bonus Rewards — 14'490 tokens annually, 0.75% inflation
Marketing tokens — 14'490 tokens annually, 0.75% inflation
Team tokens — 13,197 tokens, 10% of the annualized inflation, to be allocated at 4.11.2023
Liquidity adjustments — -200'000 tokens, -10.4% annual inflation
Inflation per year — 6.8%
Initially, planned inflation was 28.9% per year. Due to the crypto winter, we suppressed the inflation, resulting in a 6.8% annual inflation.
Tokens usage 4.11.2021–4.11.2022
Circulating tokens at 4.11.2021–1'511'381
Tokens circulation on 4.11.2022–1'931'965
Additional tokens were used as follows:
Bonus Rewards for the Borrowers and Lenders — 83'665 tokens
Staking rewards for the Holders — 125'483 tokens
Integrator Bonus Rewards — 30'000 tokens
Marketing tokens — 90'000 tokens
Team tokens — 36'572 tokens — 10% of the annualized inflation, allocated at 4.11.2022
Unlocked treasury tokens — 54'864 tokens
Inflation — 27.8%
Initially, planned inflation was 36%. However, bonus and staking rewards were activated from April 2022 only; therefore, the final inflation is 27.8%.
Tokens usage 4.11.2020–4.11.2021
Circulating tokens at 4.11.2020–1'250'000
Tokens circulation on 4.11.2021–1'511'381
Additional tokens were used as follows:
Marketing tokens — 136'381 tokens
Team tokens — 125'000 — 10% of the annualized inflation, allocated at 3.11.2021
Periods inflation — 20.9%
More Data
Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/token/0x72e9d9038ce484ee986fea183f8d8df93f9ada13
Ethplorer: https://ethplorer.io/address/0x72e9d9038ce484ee986fea183f8d8df93f9ada13
DeFiLlama: https://defillama.com/protocol/smartcredit
Dune Analytics: https://dune.com/smartcredit/smartcredit
DEXTools: https://www.dextools.io/app/ether/pair-explorer/0x6061a36ad6b7958f68129bb313e6eff81cd9113c
DappRadar: https://dappradar.com/ethereum/defi/smartcredit-io
Link3: https://link3.to/smartcredit
Link.Gallery: https://my.link.gallery/smartcredit
All our products: https://ChainAI.ai
CoinGecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/smartcredit-token
CoinMarketCap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/smartcredit-token
CryptoSlate: https://cryptoslate.com/coins/smartcredit-token/
CryptoRank: https://cryptorank.io/price/smartcredit-token
CoinRanking: https://coinranking.com/coin/0R3F4lMec+smartcredittoken-smartcredit
CoinCarp: https://www.coincarp.com/currencies/smartcredit-token/
CryptoTracker: https://cryptotracker.com/price/smartcredit-token
CoinCodex: https://coincodex.com/crypto/smartcredit-token
Gecko Terminal: https://www.geckoterminal.com/eth/pools/0x6061a36ad6b7958f68129bb313e6eff81cd9113c
CoinSniper: https://coinsniper.net/coin/47890
CoinHunt: https://coinhunt.cc/coin/6460dde03d9276f784964a23
CoinAlpha: https://coinalpha.app/token/0x72e9d9038ce484ee986fea183f8d8df93f9ada13
CoinVote: https://coinvote.cc/coin/SmartCredit-Token
GemFinder: https://gemfinder.cc/gem/14140
Coindar: https://coindar.org/en/coin/smartcredit-token
ProductHunt: https://www.producthunt.com/products/smartcredit
ProductHunt: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/smarttrust-io
InnMind: https://app.innmind.com/viewStartup/iEwaX7EMKWkYdsPYe
Additional info:
Further info
SmartCredit.io: https://SmartCredit.io
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Smartcredit_io
Telegram: https://t.me/SmartCredit_Community
Last updated