Release 1.5 - Simple and Advanced Borrowing

Simple and Advanced Borrowing

So far, the loans have been created at a 5% liquidation probability.

However, some advanced users would manage their liquidation probabilities, i.e., they would like to take a higher liquidation risk and have less collateral deposited. This means they could borrow more at the same amount of the collateral. offers the Positions Monitoring System for free to all users. Users must connect their wallets to their Telegram accounts. If liquidation probabilities increase, users will receive Telegram notifications reminding them to repay the loans or increase the collateral.

Advanced Borrowing mode can be used only if the Positions Monitoring System is connected.

This means the users can use the following:

  • Simple mode: collateral amount is calculated on the 5% liquidation probability

  • Advanced mode: borrowers can choose their collateral ratio

Further info

Last updated