Use Fraud Detector on any wallet uses advanced AI algorithms to calculate the Trust Score of any wallet on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or Polygon.

Crypto Fraud Detector is based on AI-based algorithms. It has 98% predictive power.

Use via website

Follow these three steps to calculate the Trust Score of any wallet:

  1. Chose the network (Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, or Polygon)

  2. Enter the wallet address

  3. Calculate

See a short demo here:

The following outputs are possible:

  1. The address is a contract address. algorithms cannot answer here - it works only on the regular addresses

  2. The address is new, i.e., with less than 10-15 transactions - the calculation is not possible for the new addresses

  3. The address has been marked in the forensic databases as a scam address - any address tagged in the forensic databases is considered 100% fraud.

  4. The algorithm will show the last calculated result for the given address.

  5. Users can choose to re-calculate the new score. If the address has very many transactions, then this might take up to 3-4 seconds to recalculate.

  6. If you connect your wallet with and check your wallet, you get the "Share" button to share your results with others. See more in the "How to share your Trust Score?".

Use via Google Chrome Extension

If you use Chrome-based browsers, then you can install the Google Chrome extension:

Please note you have some 20 free calls every month.

If you want to do more calls, purchase the subscription via:, copy the API key from your profile, then enter the API key into the Google Chrome extension.

Call direct Fraud Detection API

You can access the Fraud Detection API direct via You will need an API key for this. You can get this via your profile If you want to do many API calls, then you have to purchase a subscription via

Further info

Last updated